Friday 9 October 2015


Schools are inspiring places. When you walk around a school, you should see the evidence of
student creativity. As I was sitting and staring at this blank page on my computer screen, I was
uninspired. I did not know what to write. At times like this, I begin to wander through the building.
I peek in classrooms, go into classrooms or look at what is on the walls. Within moments,
inspiration can hit you because of the creativity of others. My thoughts this week were inspired by
our JK/SK students.

Just outside of the JK/SK classroom are some beautiful pieces of art. They are the work of small,
creative minds and budding artists. The colours are beautiful. The artists’ interpretations of  themselves are as unique as the person who painted the selfportrait.  I love the shapes and I love their sense of proportion. Their work is beautiful.

Even though, I love and appreciate all of the things I listed above, there is one element that makes
these pieces of work outstanding for me. Each of the artists have expressed a sense of joy. If you
examine their faces, you see smiles. I think this sense of joy radiates from these paintings.

Why is this outstanding? Because through these paintings, we are getting a true, brilliant glimpse of
the Kingdom of God. Each of these students that created a masterpiece are masterpieces themselves. They are bearing the image of God and that shines through their joy and it shines through their creativity. By following their lead, we get at better sense of the way things should be. We are
introduced to shalom. My life and my day is a little better because of their art. Joy and creativity draws me closer to my God and Saviour.

To our JK/SK students, thanks for being masterpieces, for creating beautiful self-portraits and for
being Kingdom workers.

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