Tuesday 14 October 2014

Soda Pop and Other Things that Make Us Thankful

Last week, I had the opportunity to be one of many official product testers in Grade 7/8.  As part of their science unit, the students had to create a syrup that would form the base flavour for a pop.  Each group of students could use whatever type of sugary products they wished in order to create the syrup.  The Grade 7/8 students used such things as caramel popcorn, mint, sour keys, Werther's, lemon candies, sugar sticks and other candies.  These were mixed in a variety of combinations and amounts.  The flavour profiles were interesting to say the least.  Each group also had to create a product label and product name to describe their pop.  On the day of tasting, the syrup was mixed with tonic water to create the pop.  It was fun tasting the various products even though with a name like Snake Venom, I was not real sure what I was getting myself into.  What I enjoyed the most was the student's reactions and enthusiasm.  They were excited and eager to share their creations with me.  It is this enthusiasm for learning that I want to encourage.  God created us to be discoverers and innovators.  This lesson helped the Grade 7/8 students realize this truth.

Last week Tuesday, The JK/SK class visited Mapleton Organic Farm.  While I do not know all odf the details with the trip, I know they had fantastic weather and it looks like they had a wonderful time.  Learning takes place everywhere.

We also have photos from last week's Cross Country Meet in Brantford.  As you will be able to see on the faces of the runners, running is real work, but there is also joy in running a good race.  The apostle Paul reminds us about running the good race in several places in the New Testament including 1 Corinthians 9.  These students prepared and ran the race in order to win the prize.  May we prepare for and run the race of life and faith with the same determination.

Unfortunately, we have no pictures from our Thanksgiving Assembly.  It was a joy to celebrate and worship together.  We have a tremendous amount of blessings to be thankful for as our Thanksgiving Tree signifies.

Enjoy the photos.


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